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There had been many requests and emails from parents who are looking for guitar lessons for their children on GuitarPlayerWorld. Some of the most common questions I received were:
– ” I want my child to learn how to play the guitar without having to hire an expensive music teacher ”
– ” Are there any suitable guitar lessons for kids that enable me to teach my children guitar ”
– ” How can I teach my child guitar at the flexibility of my own time? ”
– and many other questions related to guitar lessons for children.
As a parent, it isn’t always easy to catch our children’s attention.
Out of the thousands of toys, games, and accessories aimed at them each and every day through a variety of media such as flashy, happy commercials and bright colored ads, it may seem almost impossible to divert their attention to something worthwhile.
In this article, we will give you a few tips that will allow you to make guitar something interesting for your child that will keep their attention and earn their time. This will help you greatly if you are learning how to homeschool your child on guitar.
While forcing may seem the easiest way to get your child to pick up the guitar, it is the most ineffective way.
Forcing your child to do something against their will can cause them to harbor resentment. This isn’t what your goal should be; it should be to improve your relationship and their learning through music. Let them come to you if they are interested.
If you aren’t sure where their interests lie, ask them. If they aren’t interested at the moment, don’t mope; take it like an adult. Remember, while it might not always seem it, you are their role model. The fashion in which you handle rejection will make a lasting impression on their future behaviors.
If your child isn’t having fun, they aren’t going to want to learn.
Don’t make guitar lessons school outside of school. Make them an activity. You want to interact, have fun, and experience – all together. Music can bring you closer to your child, but not if neither of you is having fun. Keep the lessons aimed towards enjoyment.
You want to promote the guitar as fun. Don’t make the guitar lessons all about sitting down and copying notes and scales and memorizing. You want to make them about exploration, discovery; things that would interest a child.
If you want to teach notes and scales, make it a game. Try creating cards with each note of a scale on them and make the game all about matching the proper notes together. Use colors, sounds, visuals; anything to keep the interest. If they are fully engaged, their learning will benefit.
Children love independence.
You aren’t going to be by their side to hold their hand through everything in life. In fact, most children wouldn’t want you to be. If they should a tendency to lean towards solo playing, allow them. Don’t get upset; your child needs to understand that music is their personal outlet. You want them to feel comfortable with playing alone if that is what they want.
Don’t make the guitar playing all about you. Selfishness is the key to failure. You want your child to be able to take music in their own way. You may see them improve steadily on their own, or they may take some time away and then come back to you for more help. Either way, allow them freedom. You will be building their confidence in the instrument, as well as in you as a support.
If you do a search for “kids guitar lessons or children guitar lessons”, you’ll probably find that there are a slew of kids guitar courses available on the Internet. Unfortunately, most of these homestudy guitar courses are way below standards.
The newly released Learn & Master Guitar Children’s Edition is a Complete 2-Year Guitar Curriculum Designed for Home Study. This is a step-by-step guitar course designed especially for parents to give their children a comprehensive guitar education without having to hire an expensive guitar teacher.
Coupled with extensive 20 full length DVDs, 5 Jam Along CDs and a detailed handbook, the course also comes with a 68-page Teacher’s guide and 2 DVD resource sets for the parents!
Think about it, would you rather pay $2000/year for private guitar lessons for your child without any guarantee that the teacher is effective OR would you rather pay $169 one-time for an award winning guitar course (with 60 days money back guarantee) that is proven to work and specially tailored for children?
I think you know the answer… : )
Inspired by the video above? You can teach your child to play the guitar with award winning children guitar lessons now. Learn And Master Homeschool Guitar is the perfect kids guitar lessons companion for you and your child.
Here are some screenshots from these awesome guitar lessons for children…
On top of that lessons are recorded with a multi-angled cameras to ensure that you know exactly what and where to play…
The highlight of this kid’s guitar course is the handbook for parents to homeschool their child on learning the instrument. This handbook helps you keep track of milestones and your child’s progress in learning guitar.
We have had many happy parents giving us positive feedback of the Learn And Master Guitar Homeschool course to
Here are some feedbacks that we received…
“Hi Paul,
Thanks for recommending me this awesome course. Not only had I been able to teach my daughter the guitar, I had picked up some basic skills myself during the process…”
“Dear GuitarPlayerWorld,
The course that I purchased in early Feb 2011 was a godsend. We live in a small town whereby music lessons are hard to come by. The Learn And Master Course have saved me lots of cash in private tuition fees (and not to mention the massive amount of time required for traveling to classes).
I’m so glad I came across this course on your site…”
For a very limited time, there is a $100 discount for GuitarPlayerWorld’s visitors. Simply follow the special link below to enjoy the discount. Hurry, be sure to grab this MASSIVE discount while it is still there.
Click here to find out more about the Learn And Master Guitar – Homeschool Edition…
#1 – What Is the Right Age For Children Guitar Lessons?
The all important question that most parents ask when making decisions to send their kids for guitar lessons. Find out more details in this article…
#2 – Benefits of Playing Guitar for Children
Do you know that music lessons can help children develop their brains and help them make connections to virtually every kind of intelligence?
#3 – 3 Tips to Help Motivate Your Kids in Learning Guitar
I know it can be tough to teach children a new set of skills because of their short attention spans. In this article, we reveal 3 tips to help motivate them towards learning the guitar.
#4 – Types of Guitar That Are Suitable For Kids
Besides catering to smaller hands and aesthetics factors, buying a guitar for your kid can prove to be an arduous task. Be sure to read this article for advice before hitting the stores.
#5 – 3 Easy Guitar Songs For Children to Learn
To keep your child interested in the instrument and nurture their creativity, these are 3 easy songs you can teach your child to jumpstart their progress.
#6 – Tips to Finding a Qualified Guitar Teacher for Your Child
Finding a guitar teacher isn’t hard. However, if you want to find a teacher who’s great with kids, you probably need to spend some time looking for the right person.
#7 – How to Homeschool Your Child on Guitar
Homeschooling your child could be a great way to create family bonding as well as save costs on expensive private lessons. In this article, we show you how to homeschool your kid in the guitar.
Beginner Guitar Lessons For Kids And Children
The Learn And Master Guitar Homeschool course contains step-by-step lessons designed to teach children how to play the guitar. With a carefully designed 2-year curriculum, this course is perfect for parents who want to homeschool their kids even if you don’t know how to play the guitar.
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