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So you want to write a great guitar solo? You want to impress your friends, listeners, and potential fans?
Well, to be honest, you have a lot of work ahead of you. Luckily, we can help guide you along the way.
There are three types of guitar solos; bad guitar solos, good guitar solos, and great guitar solos. Bad guitar solos take away from a song, either because they are in the wrong key, display poor execution, or are ill prepared.
A good guitar solo properly fits a song, stays in key, has decent execution, and has proper preparation, but doesn’t grab your attention; it’s just there. A great guitar solo fits a song perfectly, stays in key or implements chromatics tastefully, is properly planned and executed nicely, plus it grabs the listener’s attention, whether through innovation, technical prowess, or smoothness.
First off, put down your guitar. Go study your favorite guitarists and see what makes their solos work so nicely. Analyze the techniques they use, the way they follow the scale, which rules they break, and how much their personal flavor affects the overall feel of the solo. When you are done, study some guitarists whom you dislike.
Write down the things that make their solos so unappealing to you. Compare the lists. Chances are, the guitarists you didn’t like actually used a lot of the same techniques as the ones you did like.
Study their style to see what made their implementation of the techniques so bad; doing this will help you to avoid falling into the same patterns. Remember, all solos start out with good intent. It’s the execution and style that counts in the end.
Once you have analyzed, taken notes, and compared, the next step involves you. What are your strengths? What are your weaknesses? When writing a solo, you want to use techniques with which you are familiar only.
This will not only help avoid mistakes, but it will also allow you to move on to the next step; which is to start reading the other topics on learning to solo…
#1 – Beginner’s Guide to Guitar Soloing
First things first, the path toward becoming a great guitar soloist isn’t going to be easy and will require you to put in tremendous amounts of effort. We will kickstart the soloing lesson series with a quick guide.
#2 – Tips for Composing Melodic Solos
Great solos don’t always have to be technically challenging to play. In fact, the great thing about melodic guitar solos is that they are fun and simple.
#3 – Chord Tone Soloing
Have you ever wondered why some guitar players are able to play solos that seem to blend perfectly in any passages of music? Well, the trick here is to use chord tones and this will almost guarantee you will sound “right”.
#4 – How to Think Out Of The Box When Guitar Soloing
It happens to all of us eventually. Sometimes, we get stuck in a rut and play repetitive stuff over and over again. In this tutorial, I’m going to show you how to think out of the box.
#5 – 5 Tips For Composing Guitar Solos
Anybody can compose music. The question is; will it sound great and is it worth listening to? In this lesson, we will show you 5 tips for composing better solos.
#6 – How to Advance Your Lead Guitar Solos And Take Things to a Higher Level
We all want a share of the spotlight and stand out from time to time. In this lesson, you will learn proven methods to improve your lead guitar solos.
#7 – Using Open Notes in Guitar Solos
It’s easy to use the open notes for riffs playing. However, when it comes to using them for playing solos, things may not be that straightforward. Find out how to fit your open notes correctly into your soloing in this lesson…
#8 – 4 Steps to Structuring a Guitar Solo
Believe it or not, great solos don’t come at random. Instead, they are a result of careful planning. In this tutorial, you will learn 4 useful steps to structuring your solo.
Learn to Improvise And Solo on the Guitar
Guitar Pro 6 is a powerful tablature editor software for guitar, bass, and other fretted instruments. Equipped with a realistic audio engine, it makes writing music, guitar playing and learning songs a walk in the park. Click here to download Guitar Pro 6 instantly now…
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